CVEG Lab at a glance


The Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Genetics Research (CVEG) Lab operates within the Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health pharmacy online (CII) under the auspices of the Cyprus University of Technology. The main objective of the research lab is the production of scientific knowledge and the promotion of research in cardiovascular and related ageing diseases, with emphasis on the epidemiology of atherosclerosis and arterial ageing.

According to the writings of Hippocrates on Epidemics, that if you want to study a population’s health you need to observe all of their environment (air, water, fire and earth), the lab focuses on a holistic approach to disease, studying both genetic/biochemical but also environmental exposures/risk factors to cardiovascular disease, with emphasis on primary prevention. Such exposures include an individual’s genetic make-up but also adherence to the Mediterranean diet and aspects of their natural and social environment and their interactions.